Estimated Average Requirement of a group of people for energy or protein or a vitamin or mineral. About half will usually need more than the EAR, and half less.
Lower Reference Nutrient Intake for protein or a vitamin or mineral. An amount of the nutrient that is enough for only the few people in a group who have low needs.
Reference Nutrient Intake for protein or a vitamin or mineral. An amount of the nutrient that is enough or more than enough for about 97% of people in a group. If average intake of a group is at RNI, then the risk of deficiency in the group is very small.
Safe Intake
A term used to indicate intake or ranges of intakes of a nutrient for which there is not enough information to estimate RNI, EAR or LRNI. It is an amount that is enough for almost everyone but not so large as to cause undesirable effects.